
皇冠体育app女性领导力中心(WLC)成立于2006年,是贾德森领导力中心的一部分. The WLC provides leadership education 和 skills development for AU's 女性.

建立在皇冠体育app的传统作为第一个真正的男女同校的机构在全国, 女性领导力中心为女性提供了探索和实现她们作为领导者个人潜力的机会, 专业, 和 in their communities as they meet the challenges in a complex society.

WLC为非盟和周边社区提供广泛的项目和服务. 样本包括:

Pamela Lavin Bernstein '71 Women of Influence Speaker Series: 每年, 女性领导力中心邀请了几位知名演讲者来讨论与领导力相关的话题, 女性, 职业生涯策略, 或者社会/全球问题. 我们的演讲者都是各自领域的顶尖人物,代表着人类努力的各个领域. Contact us to find out who is coming this year!

Women’s 领导 Academy: A credit-bearing intensive leadership development experience for selected students. Academy members have special opportunities, 比如实地考察, 会议, 专业的导师, 领导实习, 以及赞助的研究. 伯恩斯坦领导力奖提供给妇女领导力学院的成员,并为学生参加专业会议或提供无薪实习提供帮助,这极大地支持了职业准备和领导力的发展. 学院向大二到大四的学生以及研究生开放. 的学生 任何性别认同 are welcome 和 encouraged to apply! Acceptance to the Academy is selective 和 includes an interview process.

WLC研究奖: WLC研究奖提供给学生(本科和研究生水平),从事与妇女问题有关的主题的学术研究, gender or 女性’s leadership.

Alpha Kappa Omicron奖: Made possible through the support of alumnae sisters of AKO, AKO领导奖表彰两名女学生在个人和校园领导方面的成就. The AKO Achievement Award acknowledges excellent academic performance by a sophomore woman; the AKO Social Change 领导 Award honors a junior-level woman for her leadership through a campus organization.

Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society: ODK is the National 领导 Honor Society 和 Alfred University has a chapter! Acceptance is based on both academic performance 和 commitment to leadership. 学生每年春季入学,但所有学生都被鼓励随时询问ODK. ODK的成员以其在五大支柱领域的领导地位而闻名:研究, 体育运动, 校园服务 & community, communications, 和 the creative & 表演艺术. The Society also values leaders who are collaborative, 包容, 重视诚信的人, 奖学金, 和服务. ODK is advised by Diana Maguire 和 Abby Hurley.

Women in leadership roles confront particular challenges, 和 The Academy is designed to help students build knowledge, 提高技能, 和 exp和 options in their leadership responsibilities. The Women’s 领导 Academy encourages students to explore theories of leadership, study how gender roles (和 rules) affect leadership, 和 practice leadership in meaningful ways. WLA的会员资格是有选择性的,但欢迎所有性别认同的学生申请.

The Women’s 领导 Academy offers these benefits to members:

  • Gain a better underst和ing of yourself 和 your skills, interests 和 goals;
  • 为你自己的领导力发展设计一个使命宣言,以匹配你的职业和个人目标.
  • Acquire personal 和 team-based skills that are essential to success in any field.
  • Manage a significant service-leadership project as your capstone experience.
  • 学习当代和古典的领导理论,明确自己的领导价值观.
  • 探索性别, 权力, 经济地位, 比赛, 国籍, 和 other factors create opportunities 和 challenges for leadership.
  • 参加地区学院和大学的实地考察或与其他女性领导活动的交流项目
  • 获得伯恩斯坦领导奖的特别资助,参加学生领导会议, or serve paid 领导实习.
  • Participate in exclusive conversations 和 events with special guests of the WLC.
  • 与与你的兴趣和目标相匹配的导师建立牢固的关系.
  • Develop lasting relationships with other Academy students 和 alumnae.


"Gender 和 领导" course (2 credits, offered Fall semesters)
"女子领导学院 Practicum" course (2 credits, offered Spring semesters)
两门由女子领导学院院长批准的选修课程(强烈推荐), but not required for Academy completion)

Practice-Based Requirements

WLA学生将在春季课程期间完成一个领导力顶点项目(WGST 475)。.

感谢雪莉•沃尔顿女士(1980年、1988年)和比尔•盖茨先生为WLC提供的研究礼物. 查理·乔伊斯. 皇冠体育app女性领导力研究基金是为女性领导力中心(WLC)的研究项目提供支持而设立的。. The goal of this endowment is two-fold:

  1. 为学生提供有关女性领导问题的全方位学术研究的实践经验, 和
  2. To provide a signature program for 女性's leadership at Alfred University.

Previous research has included sexual harassment 和 wage inequity, 这两项研究都是由美国大学妇女协会赞助的.

Future 研究 topics may include:

  • 历史 of 女性’s leadership at AU
  • Develop core competencies matrix of 女性’s leadership
  • Develop a coherent theory of 女性’s leadership
  • The intersection of creativity, intuition 和 leadership
  • Inequity in education administration
  • Impact of leadership training on career choice 和 efficacy
  • How a weak economy impacts family dynamics when 女性, due to the nature of their employment, assume greater economic leadership
  • 超级女声综合症
  • 从事STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)领域和领导力培训的女性

The Beth Robinson 贾德森领导力中心 of Alfred University, with the alumnae of Alpha Kappa Omicron, an Alfred University sorority established in 1944 as interfaith 和 interracial, with the ideals of truth underst和ing 和 sisterhood in equity, is pleased to offer the AKO领导奖. AKO成就奖颁发给在个人学术领导方面表现出色的大二女生,并表彰其高标准的学习成绩. 该奖项附带250美元奖金.00 honorarium to be used at the recipient’s discretion. AKO社会变革领袖奖授予在为非盟社区创造变革方面表现出卓越努力的年轻女性. 重点放在积极,真实的服务为基础的领导,创造可持续的变化. 该奖项附带500美元奖金.00 honorarium to be used at the recipient’s discretion. For questions about the criterion for these awards, 联系JLC.


艾米丽吸引, AKO Achievement Award

艾米丽吸引, 2025届毕业生,是2022年秋季Alpha Kappa Omicron成就奖的获得者. Emily is majoring in Fine 艺术 with a minor in Business Administration.


“谢谢你! for selecting me for the 2022 AKO Achievement Award. 在我的一生中, 从我有幸接触到的那些不可思议、坚强的女性领导者身上,我学到了什么是伟大的领导力. 他们引导了我对卓越领导力的认知,正是因为他们的影响,我今天才站在这里. 我很荣幸被认为是一个领导者,我希望我的影响力可以鼓励其他人也成为领导者.”


娜塔莉·雷诺兹, AKO Social Change 领导 Award

娜塔莉·雷诺兹, 2024届毕业生, is the recipient of the Fall 2022 Alpha Kappa Omicron Social Change 领导 Award. Natalie is a third-year art student with a minor in English. She is a highly involved student, including serving as our Student Senate President.


“我申请AKO社会变革奖,是因为我受到非盟几位教员的鼓励. 我很荣幸,他们甚至在申请这个奖项的时候就考虑到了我,更重要的是我被选中接受这个奖项. 我对自己的领导力努力感到放心,并决心继续发展我的领导力实践,同时成为校园和社区的女性榜样. 谢谢你!!”